LEADTOOLS Medical (Leadtools.MedicalViewer assembly)
LEAD Technologies, Inc

MedicalViewerPointCollection<PointF> Class

Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by MedicalViewerPointCollection<PointF>.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorMedicalViewerPointCollection<PointF> ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the MedicalViewerPointCollection<PointF> class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCountGets the number of items in the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public PropertyIsReadOnlySpecifies whether or not the collection is Read Only. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public PropertyItemGets and sets the item at the specified index from within the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public Methods
Public MethodAddOverridden. Adds the specified point.  
Public MethodAddRangeAdds the elements of an System.Collections.ICollection to the end of the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public MethodBringToFrontBrings the specified item forward in the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public MethodClearRemoves all items from the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public MethodContainsDetermines whether or not the specified item is contained in the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public MethodCopyToCopies all the elements of the collection to the specified one-dimensional array starting at the specified destination array index. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public MethodDisableEventsCalled to disable raising the Leadtools.RasterCollection`1.ItemAdded and Leadtools.RasterCollection`1.ItemRemoved events. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public MethodEnableEventsCalled to enable raising the Leadtools.RasterCollection`1.ItemAdded and Leadtools.RasterCollection`1.ItemRemoved events. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public MethodGetEnumeratorReturns a generic enumerator that can iterate through the RasterCollection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public MethodIndexOfReturns the index of the specified item if it is found in the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public MethodInsertOverridden. Inserts the specified point.  
Public MethodRemoveOverridden. Removes the specified point.  
Public MethodRemoveAtOverridden. Removes the point from the specified index.  
Public MethodSendToBackSends the specified item back in the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Protected Methods
Public Events
Public EventItemAddedOccurs when an item is added to the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
Public EventItemRemovedOccurs when an item is removed from the collection. (Inherited from Leadtools.RasterCollection<PointF>)
See Also


MedicalViewerPointCollection<PointF> Class
Leadtools.MedicalViewer Namespace



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Leadtools.MedicalViewer requires a Medical Imaging license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features